Thursday, 16 February 2012

Frame and mechanical build - Tools

Personally I found building the frame, extruder and print bed fairly simple. I did however run into a few issues (hence the delay) as well as making a few notes as I went along.

I've broken this down into two sections; the frame and extruder, and the print bed and X axis (plus carriage). The frame and extruder can be build separately and don't rely on any other parts. The print bed and X axis rely heavily on the frame and the X carriage requires the extruder.

Tools - Frame/Extruder

Required tools are the ones you can get by with, recommended makes the build a lot easier.
This is for a Prusa using a standard Wades extruder. 


Hex (allen) keys or Torx keys Note 1
M8 sized spanner
Measuring device (ruler, tape measure, etc)
Plumb (or some fine thread and a nut)
Levelling device (spirit level, phone with an levelling app, etc)

Note 1 the thingfarm prusa kit requires torx. You can use hex to tighten torx however you can't remove them easily and you can't tighten them as much.
Note 2 a bomb style fishing weight attached to some fishing line makes a very cheap and effective plumb. The weights sell for as little as 30p and include a swivel, its a lot cheaper then official plumbs (£2+)


A second M8 sized spanner
M3 sized spanner (6mm works)
Plastic parts cleaning tools:
  • Craft knife
  • Files
  • 8mm drive bit
  • Drill

Tools - Print bed and X axis (plus carriage)


Adhesive (glue)
3mm drill bit
Hex (allen) keys or Torx keys (see frame/extruder notes)
Measuring device (ruler, tape measure, etc)
Levelling device (spirit level, phone with an levelling app, etc)


M3 sized spanner (5.5mm)
Plastic parts cleaning tools:
  • Craft knife - if using a hot glue gun its highly recommended
  • Files
  • 3mm and 4mm drive bits
  • Drill 

General notes

Depending on where you get your printed parts from the cleaning tools may be essential.
Cable ties (zip ties) help a lot with the wire management as well as for a few hacks.

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