On Monday when I started soldering the smd parts I had managed to drop one of the resistors on the floor which luckily I found a few minutes later.
However last night I managed to lose 2 of them.
First it was a 4.7k resistor, which like the night before, shot out of the tweezers and off the desk. I did manage to find this later.
Second and most baffling lost resistor was a 10k. I opened the package on the plastic side, I resealed it then went to tin the connections. When I went to pick up the resistor there were only 4 in the packet where there should have been...
I looked everywhere, but couldn't seem to find it.
In the end I managed to find someone on eBay selling a set of 10 for £1.30 (with 1% accuracy compared to others on eBay with 5% or higher).
On top of this I noticed my soldering irons "hotspot" no longer seems to be the tip, but about 5mm down from the tip. I had tried sanding the tip then re-tinning, but it didn't do anything.
So I ended up ordering a set of replacement tips at £3 for 3.
While I was in a buying mood I purchased a loupe so I can check the finished soldering and properly read the resistor numbering (in case I ever need to change them).
Looks like I won't be done soldering until this weekend.
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