After finally finishing the RAMPS assembly last night I thought I'd give it a test run.
In truth I was expecting it to go pop and not even turn. I did so many things wrong or in a roundabout way it is stupid.
To quote on of my favourite songs, Do as I say not as I do.
I found the easiest way to wire RAMPS up to a computer psu was to use the pin pin 12v yellow and black connector.
Snip the end, strip the wires then attach.
For anyone reading the RAMPS 1.4 wiki entry and wondering what the heck the COM wire is on diagram explaining how to attach the power its ground.
COM = ground
It stands for common return path.
So using the 4 pin connector wires it goes;
*top near the 6 pin screw connectors*
*bottom near the reset switch*
A quick way to start an psu is to use a paperclip (I was told this my Corsairs psu technicians) from the power-on lead to any ground.
I powered on the RAMPS board, connected the usb then booted up the Arduino software (link to download page).
Windows 7 picks up the Arduino drivers, however with XP or similar you'll have to point Windows to the drivers folder in the Arduino software folder.
After setting the coms port to com 3 (generally you have two ports com 1 and com x, use com x) and board to 1280 I uploaded the test file (link).
To my utter surprise it worked, well the LED's all flashed.
So I powered down RAMPS and installed one of the stepper drivers (I'm using StepStick) and attached one of my stepper motors.
Before I installed the stepper driver I carefully turned the dial to 25% (all the way counter clockwise then back 25% of the way), however in a complete daze I installed the stepper the wrong way around.
Install the stepper drivers so the dial away from the mosfets.
Bam Windows no longer regonised the usb device and I instantly knew what I had done wrong.
Luckily it only blew the stepper driver and not the whole RAMPS board. Replacing the stepper driver with a new one and installing it correctly resulted in my stepper motor majestically turning left then right.
Of cause this means I'm one stepper driver down, but atleast my RAMPS works.
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