When I started researching RepRap in-depth apart from the wiki and forums I found blogs to be one of the best source for getting started. They generally, like this one, follow someone on there path from researching and BoM's, all the way to printing, refining and upgrading there RepRap
Until now I've only mentioned one or two of the blogs which have helped me during my current stages. So I thought its only right that I list them for future RepRap'ers to look over and read.
Hyrdorapter (nophead)
This was the first UK based RepRap blog I found. This blog has a ton of posts and how he refined and redesigned RepRap to suit his needs (as well as making a bit of money with it).This blog is one of the reasons I choice nophead for my plastics as just by reading a few posts you know he cares a lot about the project and has a lot of knowledge.
I started following this blog as he had only just began his project in August this year. This meant the information was all update and any BoM's, tweaks and issues would be highly relivant to my project.
Unfortunately Julian is located in Australia so most of the sources aren't relevant to a UK RepRap'er.
I can remember stumbling upon this blog when it was merely two posts, I placed a comment then for some reason couldn't find it again for a few weeks :-X.
Like Julian's blog I started flowing it he had only just started his project a few weeks before I started researching RepRap.
A massive plus is that Indieflow is from the UK, this means I can use the same suppliers and all the pricing is relevant.
Like nophead and Indieflow I started following RichRap as he's UK based. Unlike nophead, RichRap sticks to full RepRap's as opposed to RepStraps. There is lots of upgrade and tweak related posts which makes it a must if you want anything more then a basic RepRap.
Official Blog
I couldn't write a blog section without including the official blog. Not as relevant from a newbie looking to build side of things, but very interesting and informative about the project as a whole.
There a tons more which I've yet to discover so I'll update this list as I find them.
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